Outstanding Jobs
Ref | Title | Activity | Owner | Status |
1 | Areas We Cover Page | Finish the map overlay and sub-pages | WD2 | |
2 | Eventbrite on Events Page | BSG to provide login details to allow WD to connect it | BSG | |
3 | Eventbrite on Events Page | Connect eventbrite using BSG login | WD | |
4 | Clarify how Awards Page should work | BSG to confirm whether the current updated Awards page works as you would like it (also to consider whether you want the long service awards included and if so where) | BSG | |
5 | Meet Our Team | BSG to provide photos for Karen and Lisa, an updated higher resolution photo for Deb, and the profile copy for Karen | BSG | |
6 | Our History | Copy required for Our History Page | BSG | |
7 | Briarlands | Currently there are photos under the copy provided. Shall I remove those now, or did I see something about replacements | BSG to confirm | Done and Removed |
8 | BP Boathouse | Copy required and photos for the header | BSG | |
9 | Bitton HQ Page | Update with the latest Copy | WD | Done |
10 | County HQ | Add 4 images to header | WD | Done |
11 | For Volunteers | BSG to provide copy | BSG | |
12 | For Parents | BSG to provide copy | BSG | |
13 | Contact Us Page | BSG to confirm phone number and email to add below contact form | BSG | Done |
14 | Donate Button | BSG to provide details of page this needs to link to | BSG | |
15 | Register Page | There is a Register page behind the button at the top of the page. Do you want it to link to a Register page? If so, what 4 images do you want to add to align it with the style of the rest of the site? Also, are you happy with the content of the page? |
BSG | |
16 | Footer | WD to make links live and ensure they cover all relevant pages. WD to do this once it is sitting on the new hosting as the links will change when the site is migrated. | WD | |
17 | Young Leaders | BSG to confirm name of navigation item and page. Also to provide 4 images for the header. To confirm the layout of the page works as expected. |
BSG | |
18 | Blog module on Group Pages | BSG to confirm whether these are to be hidden or visible for go live. If visible, BSG to confirm whether that want to provide an initial story for each, or add a story themselves before or at go-live |
BSG | Done. Disabled/Hidden on all group pages. Main new blog on home page still enabled at the moment. |
19 | Young Leader Page | There is currently a Register Button at the foot of the page (as there are on all pages) Is this applicable for this Group? If so, where should this connect to on the main GG site? | BSG | |
20 | Mailchimp | BSG to provide their mailchimp account details to allow WD to connect the subscribe feature to mailchimp. The previous login details provided don’t work | BSG | |
21 | Hosting | BSG to provide updated login details for the account. The details provided aren’t recognised. | BSG | |
22 | Hosting | WD to test the hosting to see if it could be used for the new site, or new hosting is required. | WD | |
23 | Stay With Us Icons | If time allows, add icons for facilities on each of the pages. BSG to confirm facilities and those that should be included. WD to implement | BSG & WD | |
24 | Videos on how to edit content | WD to record a video on how to edit content on the website and add news stories, and enable hidden blog modules | WD, once the site is ready for launch |